Thursday, May 28, 2009

Last day in Paris...

Ok, so here we are, the final day. I decided to go on and do the same kind of video as the one before. Its much easier. In a week or so, I will post some of the actual pictures, so you can get a better view, but until then...Check it out...

So thats that...I realize we didn't take as many pictures as I thought we did on the 2nd day. I believe we were too busy getting lost!

Now we are home and back in reality. The whole trip was really undescribable, and after looking back, the blog just doesn't do it justice. However, we do hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed experiencing it!

Till next time,

Nicole & Kim

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

1st day of Paris!!

Sidenote....If you haven't seen any pictures yet, scroll down or click on the right hand side....

Ok, it is....PARIS....oh my!! Listen, there were so many pics to try to pick from, some great, some not so great. So instead of picking and choosing, I figured I would just to put a little "movie" together of all of the pics from the first day in Paris.

Check it out...

So thats the first day....not sure if I will do the same thing for the 2nd day or not, but just keep checking back!

Till next time,

Nicole & Kim

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Macon & Tournus...

Sidenote...Scroll down or click on the right hand side to see pics from the previous days...

Ok, so this is the last day we spent on the boat and did one last excursion. See the post titled "Truffle Oil" to learn a little more about the excursion and this are the pics...

After hanging out in the morning on the boat we boarded a coach and toured Chateau de Chasselas, a wine vineyard in Macon (pronounced "may-cone").

A view of the vineyard...

and again...

Marcus listening to the guide...

another look...before entering.


inside the distillery...

where they pump the wine out, i think...

another look (I know these are boring pics)

Inside the actual wine tasting...

Kim in deep thought...

out front...

Nicole, Kim, and Anthony...

one last look of the scenery...

Ok, so after touring the vineyard and doing a little wine tasting, it was time to board the coach and head to the town of Tournus to catch up with the boat...As we said in the post earlier, we all agreed we should have skipped this excursion and stayed on the boat and enjoyed the sail, oh well...coulda, shoulda, woulda. Anyway, on our way to Tournus, we stopped at the small village of Chapaize....Here are a few pics...

we had to take a picture of the sign, otherwise we would have had no clue where this was at...

inside the village...

again....Kim thinks anywhere we go, someone should be holding her hand...

the cathedral inside the village...

inside the cathedral...


you get the idea....

outside the cathedral...

last time...


Ok so after this, it was time to head to the boat and change for our last night on board. We attended the cocktail party, then dinner. At dinner, they brought out the whole crew and we snapped a couple pics...

the crew...the one in black outfit is Stefan, head Chef...

everyone was wonderful....

last time...

ok, so this was our final dessert. This was baked Alaska, which was phenomenal! Notice the "Trustmark" logo in chocolate. This was on every dessert plate they ever brought us..

Marcus and Kim at dinner....

After dinner, there was a gala in the lounge that included live music and line dancing. We never made it...Instead, as you read in the post, we all hit the skydeck to enjoy the view and listen to Stefan tell his stories....It was an amazing night...

on the skydeck at night...

the streets of Tournus at night....

and finally Stefan...a very interesting man. He took the four of us down to the galley to tour and sample the infamous Truffle Oil. Sadly, we didn't get any pics of that...
Ok, so this wasn't a very interesting day, but oh well, it was still a great time! Next up...the city of lights, Paris...Check back later for some amazing pictures...
Till next time,
Nicole & Kim

Monday, May 25, 2009

Paul Bocuse pics...

Sidenote...scroll down for pics from days 1-5 and Lyon. I just posted Lyon before this, so take a look at that first...

So, after touring Lyon for 2 days, on Sunday afternoon it was time to sail to the World Famous Chef Paul Bocuse's restaurant. As we mentioned in the post titled "Paul Bocuse" (scroll down for it), the sail to the restaurant was incredible. Here are a few pics of the sail...

Anthony and Marcus on the skydeck having the standard cocktail...

Ok, look past Kim's head and look closely at the bridge in front of us...Look how low it is..

anthonys head...

The boys...

The girls...

So now at this point (getting closer to the bridge), the crew started laying the chairs down as we barely skim under the bridge...

We literally had to get on our hands and knees as we went under the bridge. It was really something to see...

I am taking this picture crouching on the floor because if you stood up your head would be cut off...

Look how close...

Now here we are on the front of boat, looking at the bridge behind us, and guess what...the back of the boat got stuck under the bridge...they had to tear up a small piece of carpet to get the boat reallywas incredible...

Here, the boat is stopped dead on the river as the crew try to get it "unstuck"....


I just have to say that was crazy. Kim and Marcus were not there to experience that because they took off to the rooms to change for dinner before we came to the bridge. Anthony and I stayed behind to go through it, and I am glad we did. Now, the boat docked and it was time to change and board the coach to the restaurant...

The Restaurant...

Kim, Marcus, and Anthony at the table...

Ok, by now its time to take pics with the chef himself. I should say, besides Marcus and Anthony, our other dinner companions for this dinner was Kim and Dave from New York...

Kim & Dave with the Chef...

Nicole & Kim with Chef Bocuse himself...

and finally, Marcus and Anthony with the Chef...

Our table at the restaurant, and come to find out we were told our table was the most fun and the most loud table there....
Ok, so as any idiot would do as their dining at a world famous restaurant, we took a picture of each course...

Some kind of a cream soup....yum....

the best one by far, in my opinon of course, Lobster Bisque. Oh My God!!

Main course...Veal....great..

Ok, this one was the worst in both of our opinions, 3 different kinds of cheeses...we're not a fan! We can't figure what the appeal is having cheese with mold on it...YUK!!...

sweet chocolate candies....getting hungry??

Chocolate Mousse that melted in your mouth....

And finally, fresh strawberries with ice cream and whipped cream....oh my....

As we mentioned in the post, Marcus ordered himself and Kim (the one from New York) a port wine. Remember it costs roughly 65 Euro per glass....

Here they are posing for pics with their ports...

After dinner, outside the restaurant...

Ok, so after dinner, it was time to head back to the lounge for live music and dancing and to take a few pics with our new found friends....

Marcus & Kim

the four of us...

again, the four of us plus kim from New York, who had a little too much "port".

This was an excellent day, we truly enjoyed ourselves. Check back for the remaining days in France. Next up is Macon, Tournus, and finally Paris!!


Till next time,


Nicole & Kim