Saturday, May 16, 2009

The 3 Legged Dog

Side note…scroll down first, there is a new blog before this.

Good morning! We are still having an amazing time! This truly is a trip of a lifetime, and I personally can’t thank Dale and Al enough for sending us over! Onto the blog…

I (Nicole) had to start the morning off early. There was a 9:00 meeting scheduled for all producers (yes Dale, I went to the meeting). It was just your typical meeting, they introduced the “newbies” on the trip in which when they got to me, I had to stand up and wave hello to the crowd. Sorry to say, when the award ceremony came up, we did not win one. Oh well.
After the meeting we were to join everyone on the skydeck where we went through France’s deepest lock. It was incredible, but of course we didn’t have our camera with us. I know, I know, we’re idiots. Sorry mom. It really was incredible.

After going through the lock, we docked in Vivier. We were only in Vivier for a short time, so the only excursion was the walking tour. It was pouring down the rain, but we decided to do it anyway. Our tour guide for this was great and very opinionated. We walked through the town and saw homes and buildings dating back to the 4th century. We also visited the oldest cathedral in France. We have great pictures of this, but since it was raining there are no pictures with us in them, sorry mom. We had a private concert with an organist in the cathedral which truly was amazing. During the walk, we encountered a 3 legged dog, which was, lets just say interesting. We also encountered bongo players in their home smoking pot right out in front of everyone all the while banging on their drums.

After the excursion, we came back to the ship for a local food tasting, along with a chocolate tasting. Everything was wonderful. After the tasting, it was time for us to change and get ready for the cocktail party before dinner. As you know by now, there were tons of wines. And yes, people, I believe Kim has finally developed her taste for wine although she will tell you she doesn’t like it. Let me just say, Wine has had an interesting effect on Kim. Dinner once again was great. Tonight we sat with the Vice President for dinner. I ran into him the night before and he pulled me to the side and said he and his wife wanted to have dinner with us and there was no way I could say no. Come to find out his wife is doing a blog as well, see were not the only losers on here. Anyway, Kim was nervous and really wanted to sit with the guys we met from the night before (and no, we still can’t figure out if they are gay or not). The dinner went well and yes, Dale, he had tons of questions about the enrollment at UK. Dinner consisted of quiche, salad, soup, the main course I had the perch and Kim had the duck. Dessert was phenomenal but for the life of us we cannot remember what it was, but it was good.

Since we were still cruising the river, our only option was to go back to the lounge and listen to the live music and have a lot more wine. This night was great, everyone was up dancing and partying. A bunch of drunken insurance people, oh what a sight!

No idiocy list for this blog, but right now its Saturday morning and we are in Vivienne and did an early morning walking tour through the Market and oh let me tell you we have a ton to tell. Watch out for the next post.

More later….Stay Tuned…
Nicole & Kim

P.S. Hey Mom, we’re still alive, no one has TAKEN us yet!

P.S.S. Hey Jordan hope you had fun at the concert!

P.S.S.S We are in Lyon when this gets posted, we hope to have some pics up tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. i did have fun at the concert,
    i put turquois in my hair sorry mother.
    ill send you a picture though,

    you all sound like a bunch of lush's to me with all this wine drinking.
