Sunday, May 24, 2009

2nd Day...Nimes.

Quick side note...scroll down for the 1st days pictures, if you haven't seen them...

Ok, here are a few pics from the 2nd full day in France. We are still in the city of Arles, and this day's excursion was to tour the small town of Nimes (that is pronounced Knee-m, the "s" is silent). To learn about this excursion, scroll down to the post titled "All we wanted was beer".

This is the entrance to one of the many areas we toured here...There were numerous cathedrals that were built back in the B.C. times.

Inside the village...

These buildings are massive...

Inside the l'Hotel de Ville...

another building...


the ceiling inside the hotel...

turn your computer around...

ok, turn it back to normal now...

Kim in Nimes...

Nicole in Nimes...(tired of being the only one in a pic)
Ok, so we're still trying to get our mojo on taking alot of pics. Believe us, we took tons after this day. Our only regret was we didn't get any pictures from the busier area here. I believe our only focus was trying to figure the cafe situation and trying to read the french menu looking for beer. Don't worry there are better pictures to come.
I'll try to get more up later this afternoon, so keep checking back...By the way, we took over 500 pictures on this trip, and we will not be posting all of them (that would take forever), so we will post the "main" or should we say "better" pictures from each port.
Like we said, check back later for more...Till next time...
Nicole & Kim

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