Friday, May 22, 2009

Back in the States

We're back in the states. After a longggg day yesterday traveling, we are home. Flight from Paris to Chicago was in one word....cramped. In chicago, we got off the plane where we encountered a long line in customs. This waiting took forever, and we knew we were cutting it close to make our connection. We got through customs and looked at our watch and realized we had 15 minutes to make the flight. We have to pick up our luggage, and recheck it. We asked the ticket agent if it was possible to make our flight and she looked at us and said you have to try. On that note, we took off like a bat out of hell, where once again we had to go through security and encountered another wait there. Got through security and ran to the gate. Now, if you have ever been through the Chicago airport, you know how big it is! Our gate was in a totally different terminal and running through it was no fun. We ran through like wild childs only to discover we missed our flight. Believe me, we weren't surprised as our luck in at the O'Hare airport in the past has not ran well.

The airline told us they could book us on standby for the 8:00 flight, but it was overbooked, so it didn't look good. But by the grace of god, a family of 3 didnot show up, which left us at the last second on the flight.

We are home now and going through the pics from the trip. I believe I will post these by each day and port we were at. I will post the first set of pics tomorrow, so keep checking back.

Stay tuned, pics later....

Kim & Nicole

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